Since 1985 we serve our customers with an exquisite collection of books and art in the heart of Swakopmund.
We offer German, Afrikaans and English books for young and old, puzzles and games, CDs, maps and travel guides, rare namibiana and antiquarian books, picture-, art- and greeting cards, stamps, daily newspapers, as well as wood carvings, sculptures, art prints, paintings and drawings of famous Namibian artists.
We regularly host exhibitions and book launches. We have been part of the famous “Night of the Galleries” taking place every year on the Easter weekend in Swakopmund for many years. If you want to be on our invitation list, please let us know.
It is with pleasure that our team will search and order books that you are looking for.
We also deliver to you all over Namibia. You are welcome to contact us via phone, digitally on Facebook, this website or e-mail. Or come to our bookshop to browse.
Come meet up and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee, a piece of freshly baked cake, a breakfast roll, a glass of wine or ice-cold beer on our terrace of the Muschel Art Café after browsing in the famous Brauhaus Arcade in the center of town.
We are looking forward to serve you with our knowledgeable advice!
Andrea Domingos E-Mail
Barbara Ferger E-Mail
Julika Schmidt E-Mail